طقم إصلاح الزجاج الأمامي للسيارة
وصف المنتج:
🔧 طقم إصلاح الزجاج الأمامي للسيارة - الحل الشامل والعملي لجميع أنواع الأضرار التي قد تطرأ على الزجاج الأمامي، مما يعيدك إلى الطريق بأسرع وقت ممكن.
مميزات المنتج:
- استخدام واسع: يتيح إصلاح جميع أنواع إصابات الزجاج الأمامي، بما في ذلك الكسور بأشكالها المختلفة مثل الثور، نصف القمر، ووفولة العنكبوت. كما يمكنه إصلاح الأضرار بشكل نجمة، الخطوط الطويلة، والخدوش، مما يجعله مناسبًا لمجموعة واسعة من المشكلات.
- إصلاح سريع: يتميز راتنج إصلاح الزجاج الأمامي بقدرته على إصلاح الأضرار الصغيرة بسرعة وفعالية، حيث يتم الانتهاء من العملية في غضون 20-30 دقيقة.
- سهولة الاستخدام: تمتاز مجموعة إصلاح الخدوش للسيارة بسهولة استخدامها، حيث يمكن لأي شخص استخدامها دون الحاجة إلى مهارات فنية خاصة. تنطبق بسهولة على أنواع مختلفة من الأضرار الناجمة عن حوادث المرور والاصطدامات والعوامل الجوية.
- إصلاح فعّال: بفضل قدرتها الاختراقية الجيدة، تقدم مجموعة إصلاح الزجاج الأمامي إصلاحًا فعّالًا للرقائق الصغيرة والكسور بسرعة وسهولة، مما يُتيح لأي شخص إصلاح الزجاج الأمامي بدقة.
لماذا تختار هذا الطقم؟ هذه المجموعة توفر حلاً سريعاً وفعالاً لإصلاح الأضرار التي قد تحدث لزجاج سيارتك الأمامي، مما يوفر لك الوقت والمال، ويضمن سلامتك على الطريق.
A. Avoid using in direct sunlight - work in a shaded area
B. Do not work on a hot windshield, park vehicle in shaded area and open windows to cool glass surface
C. A safety razor is required to remove components and finish repair
Do not let resin come in contact with painted surfaces
Usage :
Car stickers tools kits,windscreen Repair Tools Set Car Windshield Rock Chip Repair Kits
1.Included almost all the essential tools when window tinting work.
2.Save you hand when window tinting application.
3.Top Quality
Package list :
1 x repair resin
1 x Curing strips
1 x Repair device
1 x Razor blade
2.Windshield glass repair tools set feature
• This kit is designed to provide vehicle owners the necessary information and tools to repair small damages in laminated automotive glass windshields.
• This kit should only be used on bulls-eye, spider web, star damages, and some combination breaks SMALLER than 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter. This kit will not repair surface pits larger than or
cracks longer than 3/16 inch (5 mm).
Repair difficulty: Rock Chip Pit < Cracks < Scratch ; please consider whether to buy!!!!!!
• If the damage(s) are in the Driver's Primary Viewing Area (DPVA), as described in the ROLAGS, owners should have their windshield inspected by a professional glass repair technician to determine whether the windshield should be repaired or replaced.
We do business in order to help you more convenient , if your glass damage beyond our function , please ask the professional technician instead of repair by yourself , thank you.
• This kit can be used to repair multiple damages.
• The use of this kit may not repair the full optical clarity of the glass.
Preparing the Surface:
• As soon as damage occurs, cover area with Transparent Tape to keep moisture and dirt from entering the damaged area.
• The damage should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent small cracks from spreading.
• Do not make repairs in direct sunlight.
• Ideal application temperature is 60°F to 90°F (15°C to 32°C). Allow the vehicle sufficient time to acclimate to this temperature if it has been in either a hot or cold environment.
• Surfaces must be clean and dry to make a proper repair.
• Do not allow the resin to come into contact with the car's painted finish, wiper blades, or plastic trim as this may cause damage. Not all damages can be repaired to restore full optical clarity.
IMPORTANT! To reduce the risk of chemical contact to skin and eyes, always wear safety glasses and gloves when handling this product.
Please read the range of application carefully before place order.
Please read the instruction (Instruction Manual inside the kit) carefully before construction:
We shall not be responsible for the damage due to wrong construction.
3.How to use Windshield glass repair tools set (Photos are for reference only, specific to the main figure kind prevail)
Autokitstools Newest Car Windshield Repair Kit model for Chips and Cracks Repair Tools Set instruction
Traditional repair tools working principle
1.Remove loose glass fragments by scraping over it with the razor blade. Affix the applicator base to the windshield. Make sure the ring is centered above the break. Do not cover any cracks with the suction cups.
Note:suction cup legs are adjustable.
2.Screw the resin chamber into the center ring. (B) Screw down the resin chamber (turning clockwise) flatting the rubber mouth to the windshield completely but gently. Excessive pressure will affecting the flow of the repair resin and effectiveness of the repair.
3.Squeeze 5-8 drops of the repair resin (depending on the extent of the damage)into the resin chamber, If the resin leaks out of the bottom of the resin chamber,gently turn the resin chamber clockwise, just enough to prevent leakage.
Pressurizing : A: Take the injector out from resin chamber, make the plunger to its maxi position, put the injector back to resin chamber, then the injector is full of air inside. (See picture A) B: Rotate the plunger to release spring clip from lower notch, depress the plunger downward to engage spring clip to upper notch.
If some parts are still not well repaired after application base is taken off the glass, please repeat step 1 to step 5.
6.After the air has been removed, Remove the entire apparatus by lifting up on the small tabs on suction cups. Gently wipe away excess repair resin from the applicator so it does not drip down the windshield. Add a drop of the repair resin onto areas where damage is still visible and cover with a curing strip for the finishing touches. When applying the curing strips to the repair,no pressure is necessary, gently place the strips on the
7.When the entire application procedure is complete,move the car (windscreen)into direct sunlight or use an ultraviolet light. Allow the repair resin to cure completely (about 5 to 10 minutes), then remove the curing strips. The repair resin must be dride before scrapping away the hared-ened excess resin with the razor blade,Hold the razor blade at a 90 angle to the windshield when scraping for best results. Scrape until the hardened resin comes off in white flakes. If a blemish still remains at the impact point,apply a small drop of the repair resin directly to the chip. Cover the area with a curing strip and scrape over top of strip with razor blade to force resin from the chip. This should leave the repair resin in the remaining blemish only. When this cures,carefully scrape hardened repair resin from all areas except the impact point.
PRECAUTIONS: Avoid eye contact. Do not get on skin or clothing. Avoid breathing of vapors. Use only with adequate ventilation. Do not swallow. Wash thoroughly after handling. Close container
after each use.
وصف المنتج:
🔧 طقم إصلاح الزجاج الأمامي للسيارة - الحل الشامل والعملي لجميع أنواع الأضرار التي قد تطرأ على الزجاج الأمامي، مما يعيدك إلى الطريق بأسرع وقت ممكن.
مميزات المنتج:
- استخدام واسع: يتيح إصلاح جميع أنواع إصابات الزجاج الأمامي، بما في ذلك الكسور بأشكالها المختلفة مثل الثور، نصف القمر، ووفولة العنكبوت. كما يمكنه إصلاح الأضرار بشكل نجمة، الخطوط الطويلة، والخدوش، مما يجعله مناسبًا لمجموعة واسعة من المشكلات.
- إصلاح سريع: يتميز راتنج إصلاح الزجاج الأمامي بقدرته على إصلاح الأضرار الصغيرة بسرعة وفعالية، حيث يتم الانتهاء من العملية في غضون 20-30 دقيقة.
- سهولة الاستخدام: تمتاز مجموعة إصلاح الخدوش للسيارة بسهولة استخدامها، حيث يمكن لأي شخص استخدامها دون الحاجة إلى مهارات فنية خاصة. تنطبق بسهولة على أنواع مختلفة من الأضرار الناجمة عن حوادث المرور والاصطدامات والعوامل الجوية.
- إصلاح فعّال: بفضل قدرتها الاختراقية الجيدة، تقدم مجموعة إصلاح الزجاج الأمامي إصلاحًا فعّالًا للرقائق الصغيرة والكسور بسرعة وسهولة، مما يُتيح لأي شخص إصلاح الزجاج الأمامي بدقة.
لماذا تختار هذا الطقم؟ هذه المجموعة توفر حلاً سريعاً وفعالاً لإصلاح الأضرار التي قد تحدث لزجاج سيارتك الأمامي، مما يوفر لك الوقت والمال، ويضمن سلامتك على الطريق.
A. Avoid using in direct sunlight - work in a shaded area
B. Do not work on a hot windshield, park vehicle in shaded area and open windows to cool glass surface
C. A safety razor is required to remove components and finish repair
Do not let resin come in contact with painted surfaces
Usage :
Car stickers tools kits,windscreen Repair Tools Set Car Windshield Rock Chip Repair Kits
1.Included almost all the essential tools when window tinting work.
2.Save you hand when window tinting application.
3.Top Quality
Package list :
1 x repair resin
1 x Curing strips
1 x Repair device
1 x Razor blade
2.Windshield glass repair tools set feature
• This kit is designed to provide vehicle owners the necessary information and tools to repair small damages in laminated automotive glass windshields.
• This kit should only be used on bulls-eye, spider web, star damages, and some combination breaks SMALLER than 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter. This kit will not repair surface pits larger than or
cracks longer than 3/16 inch (5 mm).
Repair difficulty: Rock Chip Pit < Cracks < Scratch ; please consider whether to buy!!!!!!
• If the damage(s) are in the Driver's Primary Viewing Area (DPVA), as described in the ROLAGS, owners should have their windshield inspected by a professional glass repair technician to determine whether the windshield should be repaired or replaced.
We do business in order to help you more convenient , if your glass damage beyond our function , please ask the professional technician instead of repair by yourself , thank you.
• This kit can be used to repair multiple damages.
• The use of this kit may not repair the full optical clarity of the glass.
Preparing the Surface:
• As soon as damage occurs, cover area with Transparent Tape to keep moisture and dirt from entering the damaged area.
• The damage should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent small cracks from spreading.
• Do not make repairs in direct sunlight.
• Ideal application temperature is 60°F to 90°F (15°C to 32°C). Allow the vehicle sufficient time to acclimate to this temperature if it has been in either a hot or cold environment.
• Surfaces must be clean and dry to make a proper repair.
• Do not allow the resin to come into contact with the car's painted finish, wiper blades, or plastic trim as this may cause damage. Not all damages can be repaired to restore full optical clarity.
IMPORTANT! To reduce the risk of chemical contact to skin and eyes, always wear safety glasses and gloves when handling this product.
Please read the range of application carefully before place order.
Please read the instruction (Instruction Manual inside the kit) carefully before construction:
We shall not be responsible for the damage due to wrong construction.
3.How to use Windshield glass repair tools set (Photos are for reference only, specific to the main figure kind prevail)
Autokitstools Newest Car Windshield Repair Kit model for Chips and Cracks Repair Tools Set instruction
Traditional repair tools working principle
1.Remove loose glass fragments by scraping over it with the razor blade. Affix the applicator base to the windshield. Make sure the ring is centered above the break. Do not cover any cracks with the suction cups.
Note:suction cup legs are adjustable.
2.Screw the resin chamber into the center ring. (B) Screw down the resin chamber (turning clockwise) flatting the rubber mouth to the windshield completely but gently. Excessive pressure will affecting the flow of the repair resin and effectiveness of the repair.
3.Squeeze 5-8 drops of the repair resin (depending on the extent of the damage)into the resin chamber, If the resin leaks out of the bottom of the resin chamber,gently turn the resin chamber clockwise, just enough to prevent leakage.
Pressurizing : A: Take the injector out from resin chamber, make the plunger to its maxi position, put the injector back to resin chamber, then the injector is full of air inside. (See picture A) B: Rotate the plunger to release spring clip from lower notch, depress the plunger downward to engage spring clip to upper notch.
If some parts are still not well repaired after application base is taken off the glass, please repeat step 1 to step 5.
6.After the air has been removed, Remove the entire apparatus by lifting up on the small tabs on suction cups. Gently wipe away excess repair resin from the applicator so it does not drip down the windshield. Add a drop of the repair resin onto areas where damage is still visible and cover with a curing strip for the finishing touches. When applying the curing strips to the repair,no pressure is necessary, gently place the strips on the
7.When the entire application procedure is complete,move the car (windscreen)into direct sunlight or use an ultraviolet light. Allow the repair resin to cure completely (about 5 to 10 minutes), then remove the curing strips. The repair resin must be dride before scrapping away the hared-ened excess resin with the razor blade,Hold the razor blade at a 90 angle to the windshield when scraping for best results. Scrape until the hardened resin comes off in white flakes. If a blemish still remains at the impact point,apply a small drop of the repair resin directly to the chip. Cover the area with a curing strip and scrape over top of strip with razor blade to force resin from the chip. This should leave the repair resin in the remaining blemish only. When this cures,carefully scrape hardened repair resin from all areas except the impact point.
PRECAUTIONS: Avoid eye contact. Do not get on skin or clothing. Avoid breathing of vapors. Use only with adequate ventilation. Do not swallow. Wash thoroughly after handling. Close container
after each use.